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Novel Needle Probe to Detect Breast Cancer

By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 08 Feb 2001
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A needle probing system based on technology developed by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) extracts no breast tissue but detects 5-7 known indicators of breast cancer and is expected to achieve accuracy levels comparable to surgical biopsies in detecting cancerous cells.

The 21-gauge disposable needle is called Smart Probe. Sensors on the tip of the probe measure optical, electrical, and chemical properties known to differ between healthy and cancerous tissues. Computer software compares the real-time measurements to a set of known, archived parameters that indicate the presence or absence of cancer. The results are displayed instantly on a computer screen.

Smart Probe is being developed by BioLuminate (San Jose, CA, USA) and Lawrence Livermore National Laboraotry (Livermore, CA, USA). The first human trials are expected to begin in the spring of 2001. According to the developers, the same technology is expected to be useful for detecting prostate, lung, colon, cervical, and brain cancer. BioLuminate estimates that the Smart Probe procedure will cost about US$525 per test, compared to $2,095 for a surgical biopsy.
"By using the BioLuminate Smart Probe before biopsies are performed on suspicious lesions, many unnecessary surgeries can be eliminated,” said Richard Hular, president and CEO of BioLuminate. "Not only is this a great benefit for the patient, it also has the potential to save the healthcare system more than $2 billion annually.

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