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Rober Showcases Pressure Mattress Solutions at MEDICA

By HospiMedica International staff writers
Posted on 13 Nov 2017
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Image: The WIZARD intensive care pressure ulcer mattress (Photo courtesy of Rober).
Image: The WIZARD intensive care pressure ulcer mattress (Photo courtesy of Rober).
Rober Ltd. (England, UK), a pressure ulcer prevention specialist, will be showcasing its intensive care pressure ulcer mattress, WIZARD, at MEDICA 2017, the world's leading medical trade fair taking place in Düsseldorf, Germany, from November 13 to 16, 2017.

Rober Limited specializes in the development and manufacture of “zero pressure” technology for the treatment and prevention of pressure ulcers. The company’s pioneering range of pressure ulcer mattress systems and cushions replicate the body’s natural movements, helping to eliminate pressure injuries and providing ultimate patient comfort and safety.

Pressure ulcers are a growing problem globally and are linked to prolonged hospitalization, pain and social isolation and in worst cases, death. According to studies, patients admitted to intensive care units (ICU) are at the highest risk of developing pressure ulcers, resulting from prolonged pressure on bony prominences such as the heels, spine, buttocks and hips. Critically ill patients are often confined to their bed for long periods, either sedated or receiving mechanical ventilation. Since they are unable to turn themselves, caregivers need to reposition them in bed. However, if this is done incorrectly, the action can cause friction and shearing, resulting in the development of pressure ulcers.

The WIZARD, which will be showcased at MEDICA 2017 to coincide with Worldwide Pressure Injury Prevention Day on November 16, has been specially designed to offer pressure ulcer relief for immobile and critically ill patients. The intensive care pressure ulcer mattress combines the company’s signature alternating pressure cell design with an impressive tilt facility to gently turn the patient onto their side, comfortably and correctly. The WIZARD replicates the body’s natural movements by responding to a patient’s weight, spontaneous movement pattern and body position. The mattress also provides enhanced comfort and complete pressure elimination at regular intervals. The clinically proven technology prevents pressure injuries from developing and also includes therapeutic properties that promote the healing of established ulcers.

“As a UK designer and manufacturer of pressure ulcer prevention technology, exhibitions like MEDICA are vital for us to showcase technology such as the WIZARD on a global scale”, said Mike Hutson, Chief Executive of Rober. “The exhibition once again ties in with World Wide Pressure Injury Prevention Day so it supports our ultimate aim to help stop the pressure globally.”

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