4K Ultra HD Fluorescence Endoscopic System | Hospimedica Expo
4K Ultra HD Fluorescence Endoscopic System  
Model: FloNavi 214K Series 4K Ultra HD Fluorescence Endoscopic System
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The FloNavi 214K Series 4K Ultra HD Fluorescence Endoscopic System enhances visualization of tissue perfusion in real-time and enables users to switch between 4K White Light Mode, 4K Standard FL Mode, Color Scale FL Mode, and Multi-Display Mode at any time during the surgery. Allowing for real-time lymphatic system tracking, tissue perfusion observation, and accurate tumor boundary mapping, the system provides multiple minimally invasive applications.

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• 4K Ultra HD: With the latest 4CMOS-4K and fluorescence technology, the resolution is up to 3840x2160p

• Patented Dual Camera & Four-chips technology: Camera can be electrically or manually controlled

• Ultra-high color restoration: Displays tissue in human body in real-life color

• Algorithm Optimization: Image enhancement algorithm improves image quality

- One-key automatic focusing
- Patented intelligent dimming technology

• 4K+Fluorescence Imaging: Enables users to switch between modes at any time during surgery.

- 4K Ultra HD white light mode: Resolution of up to 3840x2160p
- 4K Fluorescence mode: 4K Fluorescence imaging fused onto 4K Ultra HD white light imaging
- Pseudo-Color Fluorescence Mode: The time-varying spatial distribution of the fluorescence reagent is captured and displayed in pseudo-color in order to highlight the region of interest
- Multi-Display Mode: Simultaneous display of standard White Light and Fluorescence mode, as well as Fluorescence-only mode

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